Month: August 2021

What is visual literacy and why is it important?

What is visual literacy and why is it important?

Data is everywhere and more and more businesses are realizing the benefit of harnessing them to develop critical insights and stay competitive. With companies investing in data science teams and roles, there is already a good understanding of why data literacy is important but visual literacy is a term that might be less well-known. 

So what exactly is visual literacy and how does it impact data analysis and visualization? It can seem like they’re one in the same but there are important distinctions that can help us better understand the ecosystem of data analysis and visualization.

How Data Contextualization Makes a Difference in Healthcare

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The healthcare industry faces a multitude of challenges in handling the vast amounts of information it works with. From patient data to clinicians’ performance to health stats of different populations, healthcare is awash in information that is critical to the industry. So how do all the different stakeholders in the industry make sense of this information? That’s where data contextualization comes in. Understanding and identifying correlations, patterns, and trends in data is the link between data gathering/analysis and actionable insights. 

While the opportunities for the healthcare industry to leverage the power of data contextualization are limitless, in this article, we’ll dive into three examples of how this approach can make a difference in healthcare – from solving problems to uncovering new trends and patterns. 

Five Industries That Can Benefit from Data Analytics & Visualization

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Data analytics and visualization have become critical elements to most businesses across many sectors. These tools allow them to better interpret, analyze, and draw conclusions from data, especially statistical data that can be confusing or overwhelming to anyone who isn’t a data scientist. When organizations want to monitor their performance in real-time, they turn to data visualization to help them translate those large numbers into something that makes more sense and can help them make informed decisions that drive the business forward. 

While most types of businesses can benefit from some kind of data analytics and visualization, there are a few industries for whom data is their bread and butter. Without data, these industries would struggle to keep customers happy, meet their goals, and in some cases, keep their business functioning. 

If your business is unsure about diving into the world of data, keep reading to see if your industry is one that can most benefit from data analytics and visualization.

Effective data visualization strategies for higher education

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Technology has changed the way we interact with data and information across all areas of our lives. With the 24-hour news and social media cycles, we’re inundated with information that can be overwhelming to digest and understand on our own. Fortunately, we now have our choice of powerful tools to collect, store, present, and understand data. Because data can be so powerful, it’s important that end users understand it, and with data analytics and visualization tools, it can be so much easier to identify trends and patterns. 

Many sectors are moving toward data-driven decision making and leveraging the power of information. Colleges and universities are no exception and there are many strategies they can employ to make sense of their data. Data visualization is one such tool and it’s been found to improve student success, resource allocation, persistence rates, and more. In fact, effective data analytics software and visualization can help improve a school system overall.  

Keep reading to learn more about how data visualization can benefit higher education institutions. 

How to Create Compelling Visualizations

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With the increasing number of people using electronic devices to stay connected to the world, the volume of information that we all digest has exploded exponentially. But human brains can struggle to understand and make sense of all this data so we often rely on abstraction and analogy to help. Data visualization is a combination of these two things and can help businesses comprehend big data and take action. As such, visualization can be critical to the success and growth of a company. 

If you think your business could benefit from a better understanding of its data, keep reading to learn how to create compelling stories to inform and influence decisions. 

Best Practices for Great Data Visualization

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Analytics and machine learning used to be just catchy buzzwords tossed around in the business world, but they have entered the mainstream today. Companies now know how valuable data is, which has magnified the importance of implementing data visualization to better understand their meaning. But, it can be confusing and overwhelming to understand how best to leverage data visualization and many companies do it differently. However, there are a few tips that data visualization pros use that can benefit your business. Keep reading for a few best practices for handling, analyzing, and interpreting bulk quantities of information.

Three challenges of data visualization

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Data visualization is becoming increasingly essential for any business. It represents statistics and other complex information in a more tangible way, making it easier to understand. A deeper and clearer understanding of data is a critical component in research and decision-making, driving industries forward by enhancing narratives and clarifying ideas that are otherwise hard to grasp.

A Beginner’s Guide to Unit Charts

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Over the past few decades, unit charts have proven to be a critical tool that businesses can use to leverage data for better decision-making. For businesses of all sizes, unit charts are valuable resources that use basic analytics to guide even the most complicated decisions. However, many people don’t understand how they can start using this tool to their advantage and can get overwhelmed learning how to use them. 

We’ve laid out a few tips on how to get started using unit charts to simplify the concept and help your business implement them successfully.