Build Your
Enterprise AI Assistant
with Gemini Enterprise

A simple, secure, and trustworthy enterprise class generative AI experience to accelerate enterprise rapid decision making


The Gemini Enterprise AI Assistant

Your Business, Your Data
Is Now AI-Powered
With Gemini Enterprise

Get faster time-to-value, broader adoption, and greater ROI on your generative AI investment with Gemini Enterprise




Connect Your Data to AI Fast

Gemini Enterprise is a modern Enterprise AI Assistant platform that helps organizations start their generative AI journey quickly and efficiently. A cloud-native, no-code, wizard-driven platform ensures your data and analytics projects to be powered generative AI can be started in minutes or hours instead of weeks or months.

Connect to Enterprise Data

Gemini Enterprise Data Importer makes it simple to setup, connect, and manage various data sources with built-in connectors and a user friendly, guided interface.



No specialized IT or query language skills required. Easily import disparate data and create a semantic layer of understanding on top of your enterprise data.


Interact With Enterprise Knowledge The Smart Way

Gemini Enterprise is powerful and intuitive. Easily interact with data using keyword search, custom calculations, conditional display, and personalized data enrichment.

Guided Search

Powerful search allows users to find the needle in the haystack with flexible queries and conditional filters to curate how enterprise knowledge shows up on the exploration canvas.


Flexible Exploration

Gemini Enterprise Data Explorer gives users all the tools they need to interact with and visualize the enterprise knowledge to uncover hidden clusters, patterns, and outliers.



Gemini Enterprise Data Explorer ships with a full suite of styles and customizations such as custom icons, colors and sizes to make every enterprise knowledge clear and compelling.


Modern Enterprise AI Assistant Platform Built for the Future

Gemini Enterprise is engineered to democratize data by enabling technical and business users alike to take full advantage of graph data without needing to understand the underlying algorithms or query languages.

Conversational AI Experience Made Easy

Our enterprise AI assistant lets you ask questions about your business, you data in natural language and get responses in humanized text, table or charts.


AI Generated Report

Transform enterprise data into analytical knowledge. Prompt AI to generate reports based on your business needs to speed up decision-making.


Collaboration & Sharing

Enterprise knowledge can be accessed and shared as a data project based on specific data sources and user permissions to ensure privacy and security controls are in place.


Gemini Explore Overview


Gemini Central Datasheet


Gemini Stream Datasheet


Explore using our Demo Library

Understanding the relationships between data points is the key to data analysis. Gemini Enterprise helps you connect the dots. It’s easy and intuitive – enabling you to interact with your data in a whole new way. Use the links below to enter a world of discovery.

Supply Chain Management

A leading brand of video projectors is monitoring its global supply chain with graph technology. But there’s something odd with the parts coming from Australia.

Insurance Fraud

A mid-size multi-state health insurance company runs fraud detection algorithms and exposes a fraud ring run by doctors and an insurance salesman at one specific clinic.

Cyber Attack Investigation

A security team at a Fortune 500 firm is investigating an attack on their network. Graphing the data set reveals several botnets with malware and attacks clustered among various IP addresses.

Gemini Explore Overview


Gemini Central Datasheet


Gemini Stream Datasheet


Featured Solutions

Organizations all over the world use Gemini Explore to connect the dots for their business.

Gemini Explore for Supply Chain Optimization

Increase delivery and reduce inventory as you keep supply chains resilient and agile.


Increase conversions and reduce churn when you put the customer front and center.


Faster planning and faster response to investigate threats and defend your network.


Accelerate product development, amplify innovoation, and find your next breakthrough.