Ada Liu

How Data Contextualization Makes a Difference in Healthcare

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The healthcare industry faces a multitude of challenges in handling the vast amounts of information it works with. From patient data to clinicians’ performance to health stats of different populations, healthcare is awash in information that is critical to the industry. So how do all the different stakeholders in the industry make sense of this information? That’s where data contextualization comes in. Understanding and identifying correlations, patterns, and trends in data is the link between data gathering/analysis and actionable insights. 

While the opportunities for the healthcare industry to leverage the power of data contextualization are limitless, in this article, we’ll dive into three examples of how this approach can make a difference in healthcare – from solving problems to uncovering new trends and patterns. 

How to Create Compelling Visualizations

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With the increasing number of people using electronic devices to stay connected to the world, the volume of information that we all digest has exploded exponentially. But human brains can struggle to understand and make sense of all this data so we often rely on abstraction and analogy to help. Data visualization is a combination of these two things and can help businesses comprehend big data and take action. As such, visualization can be critical to the success and growth of a company. 

If you think your business could benefit from a better understanding of its data, keep reading to learn how to create compelling stories to inform and influence decisions. 

Three challenges of data visualization

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Data visualization is becoming increasingly essential for any business. It represents statistics and other complex information in a more tangible way, making it easier to understand. A deeper and clearer understanding of data is a critical component in research and decision-making, driving industries forward by enhancing narratives and clarifying ideas that are otherwise hard to grasp.

Why Companies Struggle to Use Their Data Effectively

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The need for data has become an intrinsic part of modern commerce and allows businesses to inform and execute their strategies for maximum success. Whether it’s in the context of setting up a social media campaign or a search engine optimization strategy, data play a crucial role in any strategy’s success because of how they provide vital insights. When used correctly, a business can make smarter decisions, improve outcomes, and increase efficiency with the help of insights gleaned from data. 

While many companies have recognized the benefits of using data, there are also a lot of organizations struggling to use data effectively. It’s very easy to collect data but making sense of it and using it to make decisions and set strategies can be a whole other story. If your business is in this camp, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Using data effectively is a widespread challenge, but there are also solutions.

Keep reading to learn why some companies struggle to use data and the lessons your business can learn from them. 

Here’s Why Your Small Business Should Use Data Analytics

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The Singapore Institute of Technology and the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants recently conducted a study on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which revealed that about 70% of the 500+ SMEs surveyed had not yet adopted data analytics, with many relying on spreadsheets and databases to store and use their data. This finding suggests a lack of awareness or understanding of data analytics and the benefits it can offer businesses. Additionally, of the 70% of SMEs not using data analytics, half of them reported they had no intention of doing so in the future. With the success of many SMEs, and their positive contributions to world economies, they could be missing out on achieving more growth and a better understanding of their business. 

Meanwhile there are many companies who have made the switch to using advanced data analytics and commercial machine learning, a trend that could leave some SMEs in the dust. So how exactly can using data analytics benefit small businesses? Keep reading to learn more about this innovation and why your small business may want to leverage it for success. 

The Power of Numbers in Government Data Visualization

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Data visualization is a method of presenting information through visual aids like charts, diagrams, or pictographs. The numerical data collected can also be expressed in dots, lines, bars, and other means to show inverse or parallel relationships. Businesses regularly use data visualization in a variety of ways, from showcasing company growth for stakeholders to plotting revenue projections for internal teams. Data visualization is a useful tool to make sense of complex data, help viewers better understand what data is saying, and create powerful stories to inform decision making.

But data visualization isn’t only for businesses and organizations in the private sector. In fact, data collections and graphical presentations are immensely useful for government agencies to study and interpret their community’s needs to make better decisions.

Data visualizations Your Business Should Use

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Data visualization is at the heart of many businesses, and it’s as much an art form as it is a science. It’s a way to present information in the form of maps or graphs, making hard data more accessible and tangible. Through effective visualization, you can process trends and patterns more easily than just staring at numbers.

Data Analytics vs. Data Analysis Are They the Same Thing?

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With the rapidly evolving nature of technology and its applications to various industries, we encounter new concepts that help us become more efficient at what we do. Data analytics is just one of the many new concepts that businesses are now trying to integrate into their processes. While data analytics consulting companies have been around for quite some time, people seem to be confused about what analytics really means and how it is different from data analysis.

Using Gemini Explore to Boost Sales

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We live in a time when data is considered a currency. In almost every industry, there’s buying and selling of data to get profitable results. Data’s value is evident, as seen in the findings of McKinsey and MIT’s researchers. They determined that businesses that are basing most of their decisions on data were, on average, […]

Solutions to Common Issues in Big Data Adoption

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Big data can be intimidating to deal with, and even more so if you do business online. Different businesses may encounter different challenges in adopting big data so it’s important that all decision-makers know how to address and solve these unique obstacles. Although data concerns are diverse, here are a few common ones and possible solutions for each.